Mystic Sea Port
August, 24th 2002

On a week-end just prior to one 2002 Summer Gathering in New York, Manu and I went "hanging out" to one of our collegue's house, in Connecticut. This was the opportunity for us to discover this state slightly north of New York. We visited a place called Mystic Sea Port which features old sail boats and everything that revolves around them. Pretty interesting place that throws you back in time.

All pictures are available either in tar or zip formats. Also available is a tar archive of the original pictures, before being reworked (these are actually the same). Note that the tarballs contain all the pictures I took, not just the ones I present on this page.

The pictures

All the pictures below were taken with Manu's camera. In fact, he's the author of most of them. Oh! Here he is...

This is Brett Porter, who kindly invited us to his house...

... Driving us to places...